As a multidimensional institute, we aspire to become the primary resource for the study, critique and response to Christian Zionism, the first place where people turn to for anything and everything to do with Christian Zionism. We do so through impartial, rigorous analysis, documentation, research, media initiatives, and advocacy to expose, challenge, and confront the heresy of Christian Zionism.
Purpose Goals
- Establish a comprehensive digital library of critical resources on Christian Zionism.
- Link to every book or article published on Christian Zionism (topically, geographically and chronologically).
- Link to every academic article online critiquing Christian Zionism.
- Link to academic institutions encouraging study or research on Christian Zionism (such as Sabeel Jerusalem, Kairos Palestine, Dar al-Kalima University, and Bethlehem Bible College).
- Host an online journal dedicated to the study of Christian Zionism.
- Host regular online conferences and seminars on Christian Zionism.
- Host a discussion forum through the website on all aspects of Christian Zionism.
- Commission and publish new research on Christian Zionism challenging Christian Zionist theology, organizations and authors.
- Develop contacts/language based/regional hubs/ in South & Central America, Africa, Asia, Australasia and the Middle East to challenge the rise of Christian Zionism globally.
- Create a course on Christian Zionism led by Palestinians and designed for use in Palestine.
- Promote the critical study of Christian Zionism in seminaries, colleges, and universities globally.
Wider Goals
- Develop a strategy designed to change the present narratives and discourse on Palestine to a justice and decolonizing narrative for all parties engaged in non-violent change, whether religious, political, legal, or human rights.
- Articulate an orthodox, biblical, liberation theology on justice and equality with a commitment to be the prophetic voice of the Church as it pertains to Israel/Palestine.
- Emphasize the continuity of the witness and prophetic position of the Church throughout the ages and provide for a proper position to be taken by the global Church in relation to Palestine/Israel.
- Provide materials for presenting a genuine biblical position as it pertains to Palestine/Israel for use by ordinary Christians in contrast to those promulgated by Christian Zionists.
Christian Zionism has become a global movement providing the extremist government of Israel with networks of fundamentalist Christian political, economic and false theological support on every continent. With Israel´s vision to establish sovereignty over all of historic Palestine with full political and economic support from the United States, an ongoing dispossession of Palestinians from their land is underway as Israel reduces the Palestinian population and implements a racist Apartheid system.
The Christian Zionist movement has been underestimated and often dismissed by politicians, the religious community, and Palestinian activists and analysts until now.